Important Internal Regulations
Name of Regulations
Name of RegulationsCorporation by-laws
Name of RegulationsBoard meeting rules of procedure
Name of RegulationsDirectors and committees evaluation procedure
Name of RegulationsProcedure for Handling Material Inside Information
Name of RegulationsProcedures for acquisition or disposal of assets
Name of RegulationsProcedures for lending funds to other parties
Name of RegulationsProcedures for endorsement or guarantee
Name of RegulationsProcedure for financial derivatives transactions
Name of RegulationsCorporate Governance Code of Practice
Name of RegulationsCode of Practice for Corporate Social Responsibility
Name of RegulationsEthical Management Best Practice Principles
Name of RegulationsProcedures for Ethical Management and Guidelines for Conduct
Name of RegulationsProcedures for preventing insider trading
Name of RegulationsFraudulent Inspection Act