In 2020 Shareholders' meeting, the company has re-elected directors and formed a new BOD, a new audit committee, a new remuneration committee and a new nomination committee. All new directors and committees will perform their duties to implement corporate governance.
The BOD meeting of 2020 November passed to appoint Mr. Dai, Zhihao, a deputy manager of the accounting dept. to concurrently sever as the chief corporate governance officer (CCGO). The responsibilities of the CCGO include providing information requested by directors, handling related matters of the BOD and Shareholders' meeting, handling company registration and changes, preparing minutes of the BOD and Shareholders' meeting, to facilities the smooth operation of corporate governance.
The audit office is directly under the BOD. The appointment and removal of the audit supervisor is approved by the BOD. The purpose of internal audit is to check and evaluate the reliability, efficiency and effectiveness of the company's operating records and internal control, and provide suggestions for improvement to the BOD and audit committee on a regular basis, in order to improve the internal control system and increase operating efficiency.