Organization Structure

Responding to international development trends, strengthening following international standards, we renamed the CSR committee into "the Sustainability Committee", which passed by the BOD in the 3rd meeting of 2022.
The committee gonvenor is Chairman, Head of Admin. Div. who gathers the cooperation of human resources, management and auditing departments of each plant to group a task force. The Admin. Div. also serves as a dedicated executive unit to coordinate different departments to jointly promote and implement related work. There are three issue units under the committee which are Environment Protection, Social Care, and Corporate Governance. Each issue unit collects feedback from stakeholders, updates of laws and regulations, and initiatives from various agencies around the world, drafts and implements work strategies, then the committee will discuss and decide the annual ESG policy direction and work priorities. The Chairman will regularly supervise the work progress of various departments, and implement various work projects with a step-by-step and practical spirit, and strives to achieve strategic goals such as sustainable operation, caring for the environment, and caring for the society.

<< For details, please refer to: The latest version of the ESG Sustainability Report>>