Water Management

As climate changes and rainfall are unpredictable, water resources have gradually become an important and rare resource, and water management has become increasingly important for production and costs. The main water used in each factory is general usage, and the Yantai Honghuasheng factory will have a large amount of production water due to process requirements. The water source comes from the local formal water supply system, and the water consumption does not reach 5% of the consumption of a single water supply source.

<< For details, please refer to: The latest version of the ESG Sustainability Report Chapter: Environmental Friendly >>

Water Resource Management

The primary water sources of the Group’s key subsidiaries in China (with production plants + 100% operational control) all come from local water companies in China, with water sources from reservoirs. Except for Honghuasheng, Yantai, which is in a water-stressed area, water withdrawal at other locations comes from non-water-stressed areas or protected areas, with little impact on water sources.
The Group’s Dongguan Pan-International, New Ocean Precision Component, Jiangxi, and CJ Electric Systems, Wuhu do not cause significant environmental impacts from water withdrawal and wastewater discharge. The production wastewater generated does not reach industrial wastewater treatment standards and is treated as domestic water, which is then directly discharged into the urban sewage network for collection and treatment at sewage treatment plants.
As the Honghuasheng, Yantai plant’s process involves PCB process water, and the industrial wastewater produced is treated through the on-site sewage treatment plan, which complies with local regulations. The wastewater is treated to meet the domestic discharge standards before being released into the urban sewage network for further treatment. In terms of water conservation, we continuously optimize processes to improve water recycling and reuse rates. Currently, after implementing improvements, wastewater generated from pure water production is reused as recycled water, achieving a recycling and reuse rate exceeding 10%.
For wastewater discharge management, each plant obtains permits from the government in accordance with local regulations and performs basic on-site treatment. Once the wastewater meets discharge standards, it is released into the government’s sewage network for further treatment by government-commissioned agencies.
We continue to vigorously promote and implement water-saving policies, aiming to achieve water reduction goals in the future.

<< For details, please refer to: The latest version of the ESG Sustainability Report Chapter: Environmental Friendly >>

Water Withdrawal analysis

An overview of the water withdrawal situation from 2021 to 2023 is summarized as follows:
 The Group (within boundary) has a total water saving rate of about 15.86% compared to 2022.
 Dongguan Pan-International, New Ocean Precision Component, Jiangxi, and Honghuasheng, Yantai show a decreasing trend in water withdrawal from 2021-2023.
 Honghuasheng, Yantai has a water saving rate of approximately 17.29% compared to 2022, with water savings coming from two measures:
1. Continuous recycling and reuse of secondary water produced from RO water production.
2. Replacement of three sets (fifteen towers in total) with water-saving type cooling towers in 2022. Cooling tower
 New Ocean Precision Component, Jiangxi has a water saving rate of about 33.84% compared to 2022, with water savings coming from:
1. Plant-wide pipeline inspection, with plant affairs repairing leakage points to improve unnecessary water consumption.
 Pan-International, Taipei is an office with 50 people, showing no significant difference in water withdrawal.
 CJ Electric Systems, Wuhu was not a subsidiary of the Group in 2021, so it is not included in the calculation. It was acquired by the Group in 2022, and the plant expanded in 2023, so water withdrawal increased by 29,383 tonnes compared to 2022 (an increase of 94.18%).
 As the Group is not a major water user, there are no flow meters added to measure water discharge. For water discharge, an estimation method is used: waste (discharge) water volume is approximately equal to 80% of water withdrawal.